What is Carbon Night
Design for carbon-based life forms! Carbon Night is my freelance design company. I specialize in design work rooted in research and science making sure each form of requested media is scientifically accurate, impactful, or conveys an artistic representation of the data, or study, provided. In today’s media driven world, it is imperative that sharing a product, idea, or data set with the public is done in a format that is visually easy to understand and addresses important information quickly. Whether it's a printed piece of media, an interactive display, a book, catalog, an infographic, or a digital or social media asset you’re looking for, I will review and analyze all provided research to create a visually compelling campaign, or marketing piece, for your topic.
Why science visual communication is important
Research I have been involved in shows impactful science communication hinges on two key points: viewer-relatable information and credible sources. This is crucial in a world that is often skeptical of facts and expertise. To bridge this gap, I highlight key achievements and relevant research to explain new scientific findings, as well as how it can benefit an individual and a society. As someone skilled in translating technical research to the public, I am dedicated to applying this approach across all scientific fields. One field I am very passionate about is the space sciences and how it offers direct societal benefits, but are often poorly communicated to the public and even within the industry. I believe relatable messaging can foster public awe and connection with all fields of science, but specifically the space-sciences, and I'm eager to contribute to this effort. After all, space is my color!
Shireen Dooling - Science Visual Communicator and STEAM Advocate
I hold both a graphic design and astrophysics bachelor degree from Arizona State University. I have been working in the field of science communication for over 6 years and have 10+ years in the graphic design industry. I am currently a marketing manager for ASU's Interplanetary Initiative where I actively work on highlighting student voices within the space and sciences concentrations. I also teach an ASU online graphic design class that focuses on UX/UI web design. 
In 2023, I was selected to be a Brooke Owens Fellowship fellow. The program allowed me to intern at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center during the summer of 2023. While there, I gained an extensive amount of experience and insight into working within the space sector. Splitting my time between the Conceptual Image Lab team and the Hubble Space Telescope Outreach team at NASA was monumental in defining my approach to science visualization and science communication to the public.  
I am actively expanding my network with people that are interested in exploring the intersection of design with science communication. Do you have a concept that is hard to explain, or you feel is too abstract to grasp? I am taking on freelance science communication projects! Let's talk! I'm sure I can help you!
When I am not working or teaching, I'm either fully invested in a book, or finding new restaurants to try with friends, while also trying to find time to figure out astrophotography, or money to build a drift car. 
We can connect over any of these topics! I look forward to hearing from you!
Speaking engagements
Do you want someone to speak about how to navigate a crossover from graphic design into science communication? I have given several talks on the subject and would be happy to explain the lesser known paths to those who might be interested! 
Send me a message to discuss the details of your event and how we can collaborate! 
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